

These are the Office of Information Technology's priorities, that directly connect and tie to our strategic plan goals.

Strengthen the foundation

Learn more about our strategic plan, Goal 1: Strengthen the foundation of information technology that empowers academics, research, and institutional administration. The following projects strategically strengthen our IT foundation.

Description:  Evaluate the University CRM Support Case management process to streamline the front-end customer and back-end agent user experience, improve the user interface, strengthen system communications, and further leverage system functions to simplify operational support.

Project Manager:  Adam Newsted

Advancement of the University Mission

Learn more about our strategic plan, Goal 2: Enable the advancement of the University mission through the delivery of contemporary and sustainable IT services. The following projects strategically enable the advancement of the University mission.

Description: Transition all enterprise on-premises telecommunications technology to the Webex Cloud Calling infrastructure to develop and offer a modernized, secure, and compliant telecommunications service. This will provide simplified service offerings, reduced complexity of billing, and extend capabilities to include softphone for all phone lines, a standard phone device catalog, and a streamlined user experience.

Project Manager:  Adam Newsted

Description: Evaluate current processes and develop new technology product and service evaluation tools, documentation and processes to focus the collection of information and data on critical needs, reducing complexity and time to completion for IT Planning & Compliance Reviews.

Project Manager:  Adam Newsted

Description: Implement standard organizational strategic planning and project management principles, practices, and systems that will enable the traceability and relationship of all projects and strategies, and for the consistent and transparent management of projects and human resources

Project Manager:  Adam Newsted

Description: Implement standard organizational strategic planning and project management principles, practices, and systems that will enable the traceability and relationship of all projects and strategies, and for the consistent and transparent management of projects and human resources

Project Manager:  Adam Newsted

Outstanding Service and Support

Learn more about our strategic plan, Goal 3: Provide outstanding service delivery, customer support, and user experience to all constituents and partners. The following projects strategically elevate our service and support.

Description: Implement AppsAnywhere as a university-wide software delivery service to provide students, faculty and staff with on-demand access to virtually stream or install the software they need on their work, computer lab, or personal devices. In parallel with new university computer deployment and software management strategies, the availability of software will be streamlined, reducing time-to-access for all users whether the software is already installed by the University, or launched through AppsAnywhere

Project Manager: Thomas Livermore

Description: Implement a single, university wide standard endpoint management, deployment processes, and technology toolset for university-owned Windows and macOS devices, operating systems, and software to increase consistency of user experience, computer configurations, and security controls, and reduce duplicative, redundant, and inefficient use of technical, financial and human resources.

Project Manager:  Adam Newsted

Description: Enable, communicate and provide self-help support resources for the Mendeley Cite add-on for Microsoft Word, providing all students, faculty, and staff use of the reference and bibliography management solution.

Project Manager:  Adam Newsted

Description: Implement a single, university wide standard endpoint management, deployment processes, and technology toolset for university-owned Windows and macOS devices, operating systems, and software to increase consistency of user experience, computer configurations, and security controls, and reduce duplicative, redundant, and inefficient use of technical, financial and human resources.

Project Manager:  Adam Newsted