Agenda, Maps, and Table Layouts


6 p.m. Welcome

6:05 p.m. Faculty Panel

6:30 p.m. Meet and Greet Activities:

  • Food
  • Community tabling
  • Barbers
  • Performances
  • Dancing
  • Prize drawing

8:30 p.m. Closing

Event Maps

Multicultural Meet and Greet 2024 Event Map - First Floor

Multicultural Meet and Greet 2024 Event Map First Floor

Multicultural Meet and Greet 2024 Event Map - Second Floor

Multicultural Meet and Greet 2024 Event Map Second Floor

Table Layouts

Multicultural Meet and Greet 2004 Table Layout - Lobby

Multicultural Meet and Greet 2024 lobby tables

Multicultural Meet and Greet 2004 Table Layout - Resource Room

Multicultural Meet and Greet 2024 resource room tables