Video Card

Video cards allow videos to be embedded in a Component grid.

Video A YouTube or Vimeo link for the video to be embedded.
Title Header text.  In the examples below, "Sample video card #1."
Text Normal text.  In the examples below, "This video card has provided additional text here."
Attribution Lower weighted text.  In the example below, "Anonymous."
Text is a quotation Unchecked (default) or checked.  Wraps text in quotation marks if checked.
Link Text and URL destination.  Text required if URL provided.

How to add a Video card

  1. Select Video card from the Component type drop down list and click the Add new Component or Add another Component button.

  2. Press the Select media button to provide the required Video.

  3. Provide a Title and Text if the video card should have them.

  4. Provide the Attribution, if any, and indicate whether the Text is a quotation by checking the checkbox or leaving it unchecked.

  5. If desired, provide a Link Title and URL as a link destination for the video card.

Things worth mentioning

  • The chosen Video is confined to a 3:2 aspect ratio space.  Consequently, letterboxing or pillarboxing may occur depending on the aspect ratio of the selected Video.  This would result in black bars above and below or left and right of the Video


This is an example of a Component grid with three Video card components.

Sample video card #1

This video card has provided additional text here.
This video card has provided additional text here.