Friends smiling on campus

Student Stories

Hear from our students!

The TRIO Student Success Program always aims to let its members' voices be heard. This collection of videos helps offer a glimpse into the perseverance of the first-generation population on campus and what they have to offer the world. There are a multitude of first-generation college students who dine in the food courts, roam the halls, sit in the lecture rooms, participate in organizations, study in the library spaces, and stake a claim to a baccalaureate degree. At a glance, you would not realize that these students have made the courageous choice to accept the challenge of being the first person in their immediate family to complete college. We embrace these individuals and work to amplify their voices. We encourage you to listen to how these groundbreaking Broncos are blazing a trail of excellence.


Scooter's Story


Meghan's Story


Valarie's Story