Student leaning on a wall writing in a notebook

Expectations of Participants

To receive the benefits of TRIO, each student in the program also has certain responsibilities.

  • Meet with your TRIO SSP advisor at least twice each semester until graduation.

First-year TRIO SSP participants are also required to:

  • Register for and complete both FYE 2100: First Year Seminar and UNIV 1030: How to Market Yourself. Withdrawal from these classes without permission from TRIO could mean the loss of class reimbursement and participation in TRIO SSP.

In addition to the requirements of joining TRIO SSP, you are expected to:

  • Be an active participant in TRIO and participate in at least one of SSP's events each semester.
  • Check your 澳门六合彩官网直播 email account and read email messages on a daily basis.
  • Attend classes and do your best academically. If placed on academic warning, probation or extended probation, you are expected to meet with a TRIO advisor to discuss options.
  • Make connections with faculty and staff as a good networking plan and help to have a better college experience.