
The 澳门六合彩官网直播 School of Social Work occasionally seeks individuals for part-time instructor positions. The minimum qualifications include:

  • You must hold an M.S.W. degree
  • You must have at least two years of post-MSW practice experience

Please submit the following materials by email to

  • Current curriculum vitae, with current email address
  • Statement of qualifications, experience and strengths

We will notify you by email when we receive your materials. Please note that receipt and acceptance of materials does not constitute an offer of employment. If we are interested in further information, or should an opportunity for employment arise, we will contact you.

External job postings

Thanks for thinking of our graduates for your employment opportunities.

  • You can share your job postings directly to our . Make sure to add the hashtag #jobposting for easy searching!
  • You can also submit your posting to our university-wide job platform, Handshake.
  • NASW Michigan also offers .

Happy hiring!