International Faculty Hiring Guidelines

  1. A small number of positions will be set aside each year for the hiring of faculty who are fully specialized in various areas of the world. Full specialization implies graduate training in the study of a specific area of the world, proficiency in the language(s) of that region, and experience of living and working in the region.
  2. Incumbents of these positions normally will be assigned to extant colleges and departments, and successful candidates for any position therefore must meet expected tenure-track requirements of the college(s) and department(s) into which they might be placed. Each faculty member hired under this program therefore will possess both regional and disciplinary competence.
  3. International priorities will be determined by the president and provost and announced at the beginning of each academic year. Departments whose mission includes fields indicated by the priorities for any given year may search for candidates to fill such positions.
  4. Advertisements and position announcements, job descriptions, submission of applicant pools and interview lists, selection of candidates for campus visits, and development of letters of offer will be undertaken in consultation with the provost鈥檚 office and must receive specific approval before any action is taken. Each search committee should include at least one faculty member with appropriate area expertise from outside the searching department. The searching department should invite relevant area specialists already on the faculty to attend presentations by candidates invited for campus interviews.
  5. Applicants being considered for possible campus interviews should be evaluated for appropriate foreign language proficiencies prior to finalization of the campus interview list, with the assistance of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures or other qualified sources. This evaluation may be done by telephone.
  6. Prior to the hiring of any individual, a 鈥渃ontract鈥 will be written between the Office of the Provost and the department into which the individual will be placed specifying the international obligations of the individual to be hired. As a general rule, fifty percent of the individual鈥檚 teaching load and workload must continue to be in international and areas programs.
  7. Performance and tenure reviews will be undertaken in consultation with the provost鈥檚 office and must receive specific approval before any action is taken.
  8. Should any internationally-designated position become vacant, it reverts to the provost鈥檚 international pool for reassignment. Should an incumbent cease to meet the international teaching obligations specified in the 鈥渃ontract鈥, which the department has signed with the Office of the Provost, the position reverts to the provost鈥檚 international pool for reassignment.
  9. See hiring procedures I.1.A-D in Human Resources guidelines.