Frequently Asked Questions

How do I procure goods and services for our department?

It depends on what type of goods and services you are trying to buy:

  1. For authorized items under the amount of $5,000 departments can use a procurement card at various vendors.
  2. You may make purchases online through for office supplies and related items. (Please note that you first need to complete the
  3. For purchases over $5,000 a purchase requisition must be submitted to the purchasing department who will then negotiate on behalf of your department and the University.
  4. Vouchers are used in special circumstances such as when the vendor will not accept credit cards as payment.

Can I send my purchase requisition to the vendor?

Requisitions are sent to the purchasing department who then process the paper work to create a purchase order. This purchase order is forwarded to the vendor who includes the P.O. number on the invoice that is sent to accounts payable for payment.

Where do I obtain purchase requisitions?

They can be obtained online.

How do we handle an order that requires prepayment?

Indicate that prepayment is needed on the purchase requisition when you submit the form to the purchasing department.

Does the purchasing department process invoices for payment?

Invoices under $5,000 may be paid by the department with the use of the procurement card. All other invoices from purchasing orders or vouchers are paid by accounts payable.

Who should I call to see if an invoice has been paid on my order?

Payments will be indicated in . If you do not have access to a GLOW report, contact accounts payable.

Can I sign a contract or agreement for goods or services for the University?

No, that authority belongs to the purchasing department.

When a purchase must be bid out, can I obtain the quotations?

For purchases over $5,000 the bids will be solicited by the purchasing department on behalf of the University. If you have recommendations on vendors to include in this process you can indicate them on the purchase requisition form.