Faculty Reports and Dashboards

Faculty Reporting

Faculty data contains information about 澳门六合彩官网直播 faculty. Several of the tables provide faculty headcounts based on different categories. These reports and dashboards are updated after census for non-fall terms and after November 1st for fall terms.

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Faculty Data Definitions

American Association of University Professors (AAUP): Each year, the University participates in a national study of the salaries of full-time instructional faculty prepared by the American Association of University Professors. The data are prepared in compliance with the definitions supplied by the National AAUP.

Bargaining Unit Faculty: The Bargaining Unit Faculty includes faculty in the library, academic affairs, the Center for English and Culture for International Students, and Sindecuse Health Center. Administrative positions, including chairs and directors, are excluded from the bargaining unit.   

Term Appointment: Term appointment refers to a board-appointed faculty position represented by the AAUP that has a specific duration, usually one year. A person in such a position is not eligible for tenure.

FTE: based on split appointments (partial FTE is credited to each organization/division and Workforce Category as appropriate, based on an employee's split appointments and/or part-time appointments)

Headcount: based on primary appointments, in order to not double count people.