Extended University Programs Council

The Extended University Programs Council served as the advising group to the Faculty Senate and the Associate Provost for EUP on aspects of EUP and online education.




Council standing committee

University Studies Curriculum Subcommittee鈥攖o act as a curriculum committee for the university studies curriculum.

Charges 2019-20

In addition to its specific responsibilities listed in the Extended University Programs Council鈥檚 role statement and the work of subcommittees if such exist, the Faculty Senate Executive Board charges the EUPC to consider, as a committee of the whole or through the appropriate subcommittee or task force, the following issues:

  1. Review the scope and description of the council鈥檚 role statement and assess the effectiveness of the council鈥檚 practices. Address any continuing or outstanding issues or initiatives as directed by the Faculty Senate Executive Board.
  2.  Explore, evaluate, and provide-input on competency-based learning models for EUP programming, keeping in mind the diverse substantive and pedagogical approaches of 澳门六合彩官网直播 faculty.
  3. Evaluate and provide input on alternative and innovative learning programs such as middle colleges, on-line dual enrollment, continuing education and professional development courses.
  4. Actively collaborate with the Campus Planning and Finance Council's Budget and Finance Subcommittee toward the goal of clarifying departmental incentives to offer courses at off-campus sites.
  5. Address instructional process, and any instructional issues of the 澳门六合彩官网直播 Regional Locations.
  6. Explore, evaluate, and provide input on issues pertaining to Board-appointed faculty at offsite locations contributing to service and shared governance on campus.
  7. Review award procedures and make recommendations on applications for the Extended University Program Innovative Teaching and Community Engagement Awards.
  8. Review the University's Eleraning Standards and make recommendations for changes as needed.

Approved by the Faculty Senate Executive Board on Aug. 23, 2019