Ad Hoc General Education Logistics Committee

Committee Charges

  1. Identify challenges and propose potential solutions associated with the implementation of, and transition to, the revised general education curriculum.
  2. As necessary, recommend amendment(s) to MOA-17/05 to reflect the 澳门六合彩官网直播 Essential Studies curriculum and associated processes for final approval at the April 2018 Faculty Senate meeting.
  3. Develop and submit a time-bound recommended action plan for the implementation of the 澳门六合彩官网直播 Essential Studies curriculum by the final meeting of the 2017-18 Faculty Senate.
  4. Initiate development of a process to allow all colleges and units to propose new or existing courses for the 澳门六合彩官网直播 Essential Studies curriculum. Recommend to the Faculty Senate Executive Board charges and membership for the proposed 澳门六合彩官网直播 Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee.
  5. Report to the Faculty Senate Executive Board and the Faculty Senate as requested during the 2017-18 academic year.

For information on prior activities of 澳门六合彩官网直播 General Education revision see Ad Hoc General Education Design


澳门六合彩官网直播 Essential Studies Model

澳门六合彩官网直播 Essential  Studies Proposed Timeline

澳门六合彩官网直播 Essential Studies Student Learning Outcomes


Committee Officer

Mervyn Elliott, Chair


Leigh Ford
Leigh Ford, Vice Chair
Arts and Sciences (Humanities)



Ex Officio Members

Janet Hahn
Janet Hahn
Faculty Senate Executive Board


C. Dennis Simpson
C. Dennis Simpson
Faculty Senate Executive Board



Appointed Faculty Members

Staci Perryman-Clark
Staci Perryman-Clark
Arts and Sciences (Humanities)


Elke Schoffers
Elke Schoffers
Arts and Sciences (Sciences and Mathematics)


Sarah Summy
Sarah Summy
Education and Human Development



Appointed Administrative / Staff Members

Carrie Cumming
Carrie Cumming


David Reinhold
David Reinhold
Associate Provost for Assessment and Undergraduate Studies


Wilson Warren
Wilson Warren
Chair of History



Advisory Members

Tarrel Hodge
Terrell Hodge


Ed Martinit
Ed Martini
Associate Dean for Extended University Programs


Sharon VanDyken
Sharon Van Dyken
Director of Advising for Aviation



Recording Secretary

Sue Brodasky
Faculty Senate Administrator