Committee to Oversee General Education


The Committee to Oversee General Education reviews and approves courses for general education credit received from college curriculum committees and deans and forwards its recommendations to the administration; reviews all general education courses at least once within a seven-year cycle as determined by the committee; and recommends revisions in the University鈥檚 General Education Policy to the Undergraduate Studies Council.


One faculty member from the colleges of business, education and human development, engineering and applied sciences, fine arts, health and human services and three faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences (one from each of its three divisions). The Office of Academic Affairs may appoint an additional member.

General Education Policy

Archived Schedules


Committee Officers

Decker Hains, Chair

Jennifer Harrison, Vice Chair

Sharon Carlson, Secretary

Ex Officio Member

Sharon Carlson
Faculty Senate Executive Board

Elected Members

Paul Engelmann (2018)
Engineering and Applied Sciences

Decker Hains (2019)

Duane Hampton (2019)
Arts and Sciences (Sciences and Mathematics)

Jennifer Harrison (2020)
Health and Human Services

Ilana Nash (2020)
Arts and Sciences (Interdisciplinary Programs)

Pablo Pastrana (2018)
Arts and Sciences (Humanities)

Kathryn Wagner (2020)
Fine Arts

Vacant (2019)
Education and Human Development

Vacant (2019)

Permanent member

David Reinhold (indefinite appointment)
Associate Provost for Assessment and Undergraduate Studies

Advisory Members

Kirsty Eisenhart (indefinite appointment)
Intellectual Skills Program Advisory Committee

Kevin Knutson (indefinite appointment)
Director, Academic Advising, College of Arts and Sciences

Anthony Helms (indefinite appointment)
Director, Academic Advising, Lee Honors College