
Advising is critical

Given the interdisciplinary nature of our programs, it is very important that you meet regularly with all your advisors.

The School of Environment, Geography, and Sustainability is invested in your success, and we encourage you to make the most of the professional advising help available to you. Please also note that you should never hesitate to reach out to the School Director or other faculty if you have questions about careers in your chosen field, career preparation advice, advice on how to successfully transition to university, or how best to study for your courses, how to become engaged in local initiatives or volunteer opportunities, or want to know more about any of the fields we research and teach.

We look forward to engaging with you in our courses this coming year, and we hope to see you at some or all of the events we sponsor and organize.

How to reach an ADVISOR

Advising for all programs is handled by the College of Arts and Sciences advising staff, and they are the prime point of contact for you for advising needs related to program requirements, course sequencing, and degree planning.  It is strongly recommended to see advisor at least once each semester.

The college advising office is located in 2318 Friedmann Hall. You may sign up for a 30-minute appointment when necessary, and appointments are possible each week during the entire year.

Schedule an Advising Appointment