Steven Butt

Steven Butt
E-227 Floyd Hall, Mail Stop 5336
Mailing address:
Department of Engineering Design, Manufacturing and Management Systems
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5336 USA
Steven Butt
  • Ph.D., Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Pennsylvania State University, 1994.
  • M.S., Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Pennsylvania State University, 1991.
  • B.A., Mathematics and Chemistry, Earlham College, 1986.
Research Interests:
  • Operations research.
  • Vehicle routing and scheduling.
  • Employee scheduling and rostering.

Grants and awards

  • Director's Award for Teaching Excellence, 1994, from the University of Auckland.
  • Tau Beta Pi, Outstanding Faculty Award, 2000, 澳门六合彩官网直播 College of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Professional memberships

  • Institute for Operations Research and Management Science.
  • Institute of Industrial Engineers.
  • Operational Research Society of New Zealand.
  • American Society for Engineering Education.