Bronco Spotlight: Snehal Aglawe

Photo of Snehal Aglawe
Master of Science in electrical engineering, 2018

Controls Engineer at Rivian 

I work in the Electric vehicles Manufacturing Plant in Normal,IL.Involved with the Paint Automation team and batteries.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

Every day is a learning experience.T he most rewarding experience I had so far is climbing up the ladders and pulling out the wires along with documenting the machines. It's amazing to imagine how the machine should run and making it happen in reality.

If you had a campus job or internship, how did they impact your career development? 

Working as a Student Assistant with a professor made me become more organized in keeping the data up to date. It also improved my overall work ethics and made me prioritize my priorities when multi tasking.

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college? 

Trust yourself irrespective of what gender you are. There will be two most important phase in pursuing any career: 1.While earning the degree stay focused in choosing the coursework without giving a thought of its difficulty level.  2.Towards the end, let the resume talk appropriately and take help from the resume critiques at the university. They make a difference for real. Increase your network as much as possible and stay updated.

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