Bronco Spotlight: Nicholas Matich

Photo of Nicholas Matich
Bachelor of Business Administration in sales and business marketing, and human resources, 2018

Sales Representative at E. & J. Gallo Winery 

I am a sales rep within the Detroit distributor of Great Lakes Wine and Spirits. I am in a 3-year long leadership development program with the winery that I interned with during my last year of college. 

What experiences impacted the choice of your career path? 

I played football at Western for 3 years under P.J Fleck and Tim Lester going to plenty of bowl games and winning seasons. During football, I earned an internship my junior year at Meijer. During this time I was juggling class, football, and a full-time internship in Grand Rapids that I drove to every morning after 6 a.m. practice. This allowed me to earn an internship my last year and I had to make a decision to play another year of football or do the internship. I chose the internship and got a full-time offer after and accepted. I had to look at what makes sense for my future and starting my career long term. 

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college?

I would tell them to never get comfortable. Always make new relationships and talk to people. Be always looking for the next best thing and be the best possible you that you can be.

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