Bronco Spotlight: Miftahul Munir

Photo of Munir Miftahul
Master of Science in electrical engineering, 2019

Researcher at the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) 

I conduct research in the field of electrical metrology. I perform calibration services for electrical measurement equipment and apparatus. 

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The challenging part is doing research with limited budget, time and resources in electrical metrology, measurement and testing.  The most rewarding part of the job is understanding and solving the problem in real life for electrical measurement system and providing the needs of calibration laboratories and electrical industries. 

Which of your skills had the biggest impact on your success? 

Soft skills, such as communication, leadership, creative thinking, fast learning have helped me to build my path and develop myself to reach my dreams. 

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college? 

Do what you like and like what you do; your job is not your career but your career is your passion.

See other Spotlights