Bronco Spotlight: Morgan Kronner

photo of Morgan Kronner
Bachelor of Science in industrial and entrepreneurial engineering, 2020

Industrial Engineer at Boeing

I work as an industrial engineer to assist on the F/A-18's Service Life Modification team to extend the working life of existing planes.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

I get to work for a company I love and was provided the opportunity to move to a new state.

If you had a campus job or internship, how did they impact your career development?

I was able to have several different internships during undergrad. These taught me what I liked and did not like in a future employer and work setting. I realized the importance of being challenged, supported by co-workers, and having a healthy work life balance.

What advice would you offer students to help them decide on a career path?

Do something that you are proud of. You are more than likely able to work in many different careers but pick one that you are excited and proud to tell people about. In my program I was not only able to focus on math and science but also use my creativity. Find a degree that you can take full advantage of.

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