Bronco Spotlight: Kohei Togashi

Bronco Spotlight: Kohei Togashi
Ph.D. in behavior analysis, 2019

Clinical Supervisor at Therapeutic Pathways – The Kendall Centers 

I work closely with children with behavioral challenges, including children who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. I also work with the children’s families.  

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

I am working with one of the best groups of behavior analysts and speech-language pathologists in the world. There is nothing more rewarding than to see meaningful and observable improvements in our clients' behaviors and in their quality of life. The most challenging part of my job is to continue learning new information and skills to meet the needs of individual client (and I absolutely love the challenge!). 

What activities, resources, or people helped you prepare for your career?

Numerous people and organizations helped me prepare for my career. I cannot list everyone here, but just to name a few: Fulbright Program, Japan-United States Educational Exchange Promotion Foundation, Honjo International Scholarship Foundation, KRESA West Campus, my advisor (Dr. Richard Malott), Dr. Peter Dams, Dr. Yukiko Washio, Ms. Katherine Mahaffy, and Dr. Jennifer Mrljak. 

What advice do you have for students?

Find what you truly enjoy, then set a specific goal(s) you would like to achieve to benefit others. Once you have a clear goal(s), keep working toward it, and never give up or stop-- Do not worry about what you can do or what you have right now. Those things will follow, if you start to give everything you have to chase your dream. I believe chasing your dream is like sailing on an ocean: You are often alone, and it may take days or even years until you start to see some results of your actions/efforts. If you stop or give up, your dream dies. However, if you uphold your faith and keep going, you will begin to see some results, and eventually, you will get to a shore (my shore/goal is still very far away). I know you can do it. There are people out there who are awaiting for your help! 

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