Bronco Spotlight: Justin Sultini

Justin Sultini
Bachelor of Business Administration in food and consumer package goods marketing, 2020

Consumer Product Sales Representative at Hormel Foods

What activities, resources, or people helped you prepare for your career?

Being on the executive boards for the Food Marketing Association gave me the opportunity to showcase my leadership skills as well as develop them to a higher level. It also allowed me to interact more with the professors as well as the recruiters, which allowed me to build relationships with potential future employers.  

What advice do you have for others pursuing a career similar to yours?  

Advice that I have for students is to get as involved with student organizations as possible. Getting involved with the student organizations shows the professors that you are willing to work hard, which gives them a reason to want to put a good word in for you when it comes to interview time. Go to career fairs and put yourself out there; you never know what you might learn. Also, don't be afraid to take time off to fully understand what you are going to school for because declaring a major is a big decision that influences the rest of your career. 

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