Bronco Spotlight: James Hentig

Image of James Hentig
Bachelor of Science, biology, 2016

Graduate Student at the University of Notre Dame

I am a PhD student in the biology department of the University of Notre Dame with concentrations in neuroscience and regenerative medicine. I am currently working on elucidating the molecular factors that contribute to the rapid neuroregenerative capacity of the adult zebrafish in response to blunt force trauma under Dr. David Hyde.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The atmosphere is entirely self-driven with such an amazing intellectual community for support.

What experiences impacted the choice of your career path?

I spent three years as an undergraduate researcher under Dr. Christine Byrd-Jacobs working in a neuroregeneration laboratory. The guidance I received from my advisor (Dr. Byrd) as well as the mentorship I was given by my honors committee (Dr. Wendy Beane and Dr. John Spitsbergen) shaped me from an undergraduate to an independent critical thinker. The support I received from these individuals was more than academic, and was truly a large part of how I ended up at the University of Notre Dame for graduate school.

What advice do you have for others pursuing a career similar to yours?

Seek out research opportunities early! The type of research does not need to be directly related to what you hope to do as your end goal. The experience is what is important!

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