Bronco Spotlight: Erin Krabill

photo of Erin Krabill
Master of Arts in counseling psychology: school counseling, 2020

High School Counselor at Crawford AuSable Schools

I am the high school counselor at Grayling High School. I provide academic, mental health, and career counseling services to approximately 400 students in grades 9-12. I also build the school's master schedule, coordinate all state testing, and consult with teachers, administrators, and social workers.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of the job is being able to provide a safe space for students to navigate their way through high school, stress, family, and peer conflicts. I get to see students as they plan their future and help them with that. The most challenging is dealing with a plethora of tasks all at once. You never know what is going to happen or who will need you on any given day-even if you have a full day planned. Prioritizing and staying organized is a constant struggle, especially in a pandemic.

Which of your skills had the biggest impact on your success?

The skill that had the biggest impact on my success is organization. Planning the path to graduation early and literally checking off every assignment, reading, essay, and class was the best way to make sure I was not missing anything. Ask the clarifying questions of your professors and advisors. Outside of that, just focus on your goals and try not to get caught up in negativity and drama of others.

What advice would you offer students to help them decide on a career path?

Complete an interest survey-there are plenty of free options online! You may be surprised at jobs and career paths that come up for you that you may not have known about. Also, be flexible. I changed my major at the end of my freshman year in undergrad, worked as a teacher for ten years, and ended up going back for a counseling degree. I wouldn't change any of those experiences, but I am happy with where I am now. 

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