Bronco Spotlight: Elaina Lee

Bronco Spotlight: Elaina Lee
Bachelor of Business Administration in food and consumer package goods marketing, 2019

Category Analyst at Advantage Solutions 

I am a category analyst, dedicated to one national client, which is a large natural foods manufacturer. I track sales and distribution levels of my client's products. Another part of my role is creating reports and presentations that speak to growth of these categories as a whole, as well as how my client's products are doing compared to their competitors in the same space 

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job are the engaging projects I get to complete. My client's brands span over six different categories of consumer goods and products. Each day I work to create solutions to help my client solve their business problems. One of the challenges of my job is finding a good story in the sales data for my client. This tests my analytical skills, as it pushes me to investigate sales further to find numbers that support my client's brands. 

What activities, resources, or people helped you prepare for your career?

My professors and connections in my program's RSO helped me prepare for my career.  

What advice do you have for others pursuing a career similar to yours?

Spend time getting to know your fellow students. We all graduate and go our separate ways. It is important to stay connected with each other as you graduate, becoming peers working in many different companies across the country. 

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