Bronco Spotlight: Caitlin Ashby

Photo of Caitlin Ashby
Bachelor of Business Administration in human resource management, 2018

Logistics Account Executive at Total Quality Logistics 

I work at an amazing company called TQL. I am a Logistics Account Executive, which basically means I am a broker of freight. I manage my own account of customers that I acquired on my own and am constantly reaching out to grow it. I provide one-point contact service to supply any and all logistics needs. 

I am now a Prospecting Captain, the first female member of the $4,000 club here at TQL Grand Rapids, and in charge of our WIL ( Women in Logistics) club I started here.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part is making your customers happy, growing your book of business yourself/ managing yourself, and making money. The most challenging part of the job is keeping your head up during the tough days or multiple no's you get. 

What experiences impacted the choice of your career path? 

During my time at Western, I took full advantage of the programs Haworth College of Business had to offer. I participated in the externship programs they had multiple times and externed at companies that weren't necessarily in my career path. Keeping your mind open to different possibilities is key because it led me to the job I had today, that I never thought in a million years I would love. 

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college?

I recommend taking the time to research the company and its culture. Maybe even ask for a shadow. So many people complain about jobs because it isn't the right one for them. Find the best fit for you.

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