Bronco Spotlight: A'miya Ezell-Taylor

Photo of A'miya Ezell-Taylor
Bachelor of Science in healthcare services and sciences

Permanent Supportive Housing Coordinator at Every Woman's Place

I am the coordinator of the Permanent Supportive Housing program at Every Woman's Place. As a housing case manager, I assist individuals and families who are disabled and chronically homeless. This is a long-term program that works to maintain housing stability. I work with many individuals to achieve independence and stability in various ways. I act as an advocate and a form of support for each program participant to help them reach goals that promote independence. I place individuals and families in homes that best fit their needs, while also working alongside each participant to make sure they are a successful tenant. 

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is finding housing for those individuals and families who have been homeless. I love seeing their faces when they are given keys to their own home. My job is no easy task, but every aspect of it is rewarding. I am housing those who have been homeless for years, reuniting families and helping community members build stable foundations. Sometimes, the challenges come when trying to help individuals maintain their housing stability and independence. This process is all new to them and some of them have never had their own home, so building life skills and independence can provide some challenges. 

What experiences impacted the choice of your career path?

The internship experience I had really impacted the choice in my career path. I completed my internship at my current job. I learned so many new skills, and I was able to participate in many roles. I recommend that each student pick an internship that challenges them and helps them grow. The responsibility at the internship site should promote growth and allow one to step out of their comfort zone. 

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college?

Remember that life happens. Things always change. It is also okay to change your mind at any point in your life. Always go with what feels right to you, even if it is out of the ordinary. The right career path will find you if you are actively searching. Try new things, volunteer, and always ask questions. The first job you get may not be the career of your dreams but each experience adds to your journey and in the end helps you grow in many ways. The relationships you build with others also matter. Always be dependable and flexible. 

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